A wise man once said that when you remix a song for the clubs, you go after three markets – Europe, gay clubs and the Jersey shore. Listening to the debut from DaCav5, its an easy bet that they got the Jersey shore market covered completely. The electropop club banger is everything you would expect for a night of energetic fist-pumping. Dirty dutch-styled beats a la Afrojack or Sidney Samson, check. Multiracial trio of rappers flowing playfully about their exploits, check. Sexy, yet subdued girl cooing the chorus, check. Video with scantily clad vixens, bulging pecs, dancing dwarf and beer helmet cam, check. Everything is in place and ready to go for their special cameo appearance on the next season of MTV’s ‘Jersey Shore.’ They could totally follow the lead of what Lucas Prata achieved with ‘My Super Sweet Sixteen.’