SONG OF THE DAY:? Motez – Promise Me EP

Last week, I wrote up three songs that essentially took lyrics from ’90s R&B songs and sampled them over a nu-House track. Not that I would call this lazy, but I find it more interesting when the vocals are effected, changed, or morphed into something new and different – like what Le Youth has done with Cassie on “Cool” or TLC on “Dance With Me.”? Rising Aussie producer Motez is set to unleash two tracks – the speed garage-inflected “Bodyrock” and the groovy piano house of “Promise Me.”? I kept listening to “Promise Me” and the lyrics sounded so familiar until it hit me that he’d taken two lines of Ashanti’s part in Nelly’s 2008 minor hit “Body On Me” – effected it to change the gender – and respliced it.? The results are quite wonderful and make for some sexy, grinding house music.? Both tracks on the EP are incredibly strong and with his string of remixes and bootlegs, I have a feeling that we are going to be hearing a lot from Motez.

Image Courtesy of Sweat It Out!

motez promise me

SONG OF THE DAY: Le Youth ft Dominique Young Unique – “Dance With Me”

Last year, producer Le Youth released “C.O.O.L,” a chilled, downtempo house record based on the r&b song “Me & U” by Cassie.? The vibe was so different and refreshing that it became quite a big buzz record.? He simply has a knack for reimagining r&b sounds – reworking the lyrics to become something totally different and fresh.? For “Dance With Me,” he takes snippets of vocals from TLC “No Scrubs,” slows them down to sound masculine, and rebuilds a new verse structure with them.? The effect is? hypnotic, as the first time you listen, the song sounds so familiar but you just can’t seem to place it.? The original version has been up for a while on his Soundcloud, so when I heard there was new version with a rap from Dominique Young Unique, it struck me as odd.? Luckily, the rapper, who is currently riding high in the UK charts with “Earthquake,” felt the vibe and really flowed well with the groove.? In case you are wondering what a current pop song would sound like with a Le Youth remix, check out his brilliant- yet unrecognizable-? take on Foxes “Youth.”

Image Courtesy of Sony.