SONG OF THE DAY: Bjorn Akesson – “Slam”

In this ADHD world we live in, a track can’t just be the same for six minutes. Swedish producer Akesson realizes this, and his new track “Slam” is almost a medley of vignettes with diverse sounds blending together. There’s Garrix-ish reverbed bass, a nod to the fly noises of classic Timo Maas, dirty glitch, and more- all over a pumping tech beat. If we were doing a late night infomercial, the tagline could be “it’s three songs in one.” Masterful production makes it a seamless flow and yet another big room monster from Bjorn. Be sure to check out the “Sand Theme” track they did with Aly and Fila as well.

Image Courtesy of Future Sounds of Egypt.

Bjorn Akesson – “Slam”

