SONG OF THE DAY: tyDi ft Kerli – “Glow In the Dark”

Australian dj/producer tyDi and Estonian alternative pop princess Kerli make for an inspired pairing. Here, tyDi?s subtly mellow and downbeat progressive base track would stand as a great instrumental on its own and might even be possibly stronger if it were done in an acoustic style. A dropout bridge before its chorus is especially moving. Kerli’s vocals sound great and float effortlessly and convey emotion without being overdone. The lyrics are uplifting but not cheesy. When track and vocals combine, “Glow in the Dark” makes for some incredible pop music. It is definitely commercial- friendly but has enough substance that hardcore EDM heads will still like it. It may not grab you on the first listen, but given a chance you will be singing along before you know it. DJs looking for a harder electro should pick up Ryan Mendoza’s pumped up mix.

Image Courtesy of Z Entertainment.

